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Under the epidemic situation, it is more a matter of sifting through the halls. Can the enterprises pass the customs smoothly?

Views: 14     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2020-02-29      Origin: Site

The epidemic prevention and control campaign has ushered in a full moon, the data on the rankings is declining, and the level of resumption and resumption (attention) has increased. Many manufacturing companies, including the construction machinery industry, have begun to fight the epidemic prevention and control and resume production. "The two-line battle. The end of this battle is definitely victory, but it still takes time, time to respond and change.

The epidemic "will continue to affect economic operations, and will be mainly reflected in increasing industrial and especially SME production and management difficulties, delaying the construction of investment projects, inhibiting domestic and foreign business and economic activities, and increasing employment pressure." [1] In order, the goal seems to be very clear: first to solve the problem of resumption of production, then to solve the project construction progress, and then to import and export trade.

"Delayed demand, short-term fluctuations do not change the medium and long-term trend" has become the basic argument in the industry, but it also makes the industry also face the reality of pressure and the potential impact of the depth. Rising costs, limited supporting supply chains, tight cash flow, and reduced effective production time ... it is another hardening for the company, and even the survival of some small and medium-sized enterprises. At present, the test is not only the ability to resist risks, but it may also be resistant. The ability to balance development with risk. In the face of the epidemic, competition from all walks of life has intensified, forcing change to accelerate and competitiveness to be reshaped. The peak season will be postponed and competition will never stop. The construction machinery industry is a fully competitive industry. In view of the current situation and industry situation, deeper competition may further focus on new technologies, cash flow, exports and environmental protection.


Under the epidemic situation

New technologies: change and demand or more urgent

The sudden epidemic really added strength to the new technology that was already in the air, taking it a step further from reality, and allowing more individuals (enterprises and people) to truly feel 5G, big data, artificial intelligence, industry The application value of the new generation of information technology such as the Internet in China's manufacturing field, as well as the construction machinery industry. From the anti-epidemic front line built by Huo Lei Hospital to the second battlefield of resumption of production, from data monitoring, fault early warning, remote service to automated holographic assembly production lines, welding robots, AGV, the integration of new generation information technology and construction machinery industry allows construction Faster and more accurate, making production more flexible and efficient, overall operations safer, and lower costs. Not only that, the application of new technological achievements is of great importance to the value enhancement of enterprises in business management, product enhancement, marketing and customer service.

On February 19, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued a document deploying the use of next-generation information technology to support the resumption of production and resumption of work. It also specifically mentioned, "Promote the cooperation between manufacturing enterprises and information technology enterprises to deepen the industrial Internet and industrial software (industrial APP). , Artificial intelligence, augmented reality / virtual reality and other new technology applications, promote new models and new formats such as collaborative research and development, unmanned production, remote operations, and online services, and accelerate the restoration of manufacturing capacity. " Already gradually landed in the construction machinery industry, showing initial results, and realizing that the epidemic situation has provided more inspiration and prospects for enterprises to transition to digitalization and intelligentization. For example, there are still varying degrees of resumption of work and production. Promoted supply chain management, flexible production, cost early warning management, and more.

It is undeniable that companies with a higher degree of digitization and intelligence have more initiative in dealing with uncertainty and adjusting their own countermeasures, but have not yet integrated into this whether it is due to technology, funding constraints or doubts about the future. For small and medium-sized enterprises in the stock market, it is inevitable that there will be no small impacts. Their advantages in the fields of circulation intermediary, transaction services, and information collection are continuously weakened. This is an unavoidable problem at this stage and in the future. Because of this epidemic, the need for new technology changes and applications is even more urgent.


Cash Flow: Test Arrows on the String

"Haidilao loses 80 million a month?"

"The salary of Xibei loan can only last for 3 months?"

"Beida under debt crisis is being reorganized by banks for bankruptcy?"


The tight cash flow is the status quo faced by many enterprises. The impact varies by region and industry. I don't know how many companies are out.

Businesses know the importance of cash flow, but it's often when the crisis hits that importance really becomes apparent. For enterprises in the construction machinery industry, this feeling should be deeper, because some companies have survived the last round of trials, but they never thought to regain this test (or difficult problem). Although there is a lesson from the former, the asset quality of the entire industry is relatively healthy at the moment, but the price war in 2019 cannot be ignored, leaving some companies to take risks to survive in order to survive. The data shows that in 2019, the selling expenses of key industry companies increased by 42.3% throughout the year, the average balance of current assets increased by 14.2% year-on-year, and accounts receivable also increased by 11.7%. Cash flow and accounts receivable rose almost simultaneously.

The epidemic has spread far and wide, and the upstream and downstream of the construction machinery industry are unavoidable. The latest survey by the China Construction Machinery Industry Association's Agent Working Committee shows that the proportion of industry agents' resumption of work is less than 20%, and the resumption of leasers is only about 10%. Most SMEs are under considerable pressure to survive. It is true that under the circumstances of delayed resumption of work, reduced orders, increased start-up costs, and uncertain construction, small and medium-sized enterprises are hindered by inadequate risk management (or not), and the dilemma of dismantling the eastern wall and filling the western wall will increase, and cash flow will increase. Once broken, the consequences are unimaginable.

The state has issued corresponding support policies such as reducing taxes and fees, delaying social security, and financing and interest rate cuts to help the development of enterprises, especially small and medium-sized enterprises, which may depend on the resumption of work in different regions. On February 21, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology again issued a clear request "to increase efforts to clean up the debts owed to private enterprises of small and medium-sized enterprises, while encouraging leading enterprises such as central and large state-owned enterprises to play an exemplary role, and to promote upstream and downstream enterprises in the industrial chain to carry out epidemic prevention and control And production resumed. "The reporter learned that long before this, the industry's leading companies have taken the initiative, following the Xugong Group's first issue of the industry's epidemic prevention and control debt (300 million yuan, used for operating turnover) on February 13, Sany Group issued another 1 billion yuan on February 19th (900 million yuan to repay the company's interest-bearing debt and 100 million yuan for operating turnover), which is intended to ease the operation and support of supporting enterprises on their respective industrial chains through the transmission mechanism. Financial pressure to avoid material shortages and strengthen overall anti-risk capabilities.

The source is from the network of the first engineering machinery network, if you offend the platform, delete it as soon as possible






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